The story is a simple one. A young man went on a mission to dominate the world. After a series of extraordinary adventures and great risks, the young man gets what he wants and returns home. The real question is what led him there.


I was listening to the declaration of world domination coming from the Church of Bones in the back alley, munching on hard bread. The officers who munched on hard bread and listened to the blank shots from the black ships and the soldiers who listened to the radio waves of the falling black sea ships must have felt the same way during the Perry Expedition. The princess of some place would have probably elegantly shouted, “God damn it, you bastard!”

I had one job, to observe and describe someone. I was the act of writing itself. I am just the very act and manifestation of writing itself. I am a writing puppet, a writing machine, even if not literally.

Everything from his name, his identity, to even his clothes have been taken away. As if to make it worse, he was asleep beside me, as if he was just born.

In other words, am I the only person in the world who knows of his existence at this very moment? Do I have him all to myself? I am suddenly aware of this fact.

So instead, I’ll only tell the world the taste of the bread. It was awful.


Plane hijackings. Company hijackings. Recently there have been cases of families being hijacked, but what was hijacked from him was his identity.


Immediately after the World Domination Declaration ended, several helicopters took to the sky, flying around the city of a hundred towers like a metal beetle. Are they his minions? Are they the work of the Czech government? I could use Borges to identify the helicopters, but they're already being targeted by the entire world anyway.

The world is so big, yet we can only rely on each other.

“Master Byakuya.”

I’m aware it took a while for the main character to appear. I've kept you waiting, but I've finally said his name. But please understand.

“Super High School Level Heir,” “Heir to a Huge Conglomerate,” “The Sharpest Blade of the Togami Clan,” “A Man Worth 40 Billion Yen,” “Walking Prodigy,” “Walking Caesar,” “Walking Glasses.” I don't want to drag the man, after all he was stripped naked after his gold medal was stolen, out into the open.

When Master Byakuya woke up, he simply existed beautifully, despite my worries. Sitting on a wooden box, he shamelessly showed off his naked body, reminiscent of a Roman sculpture.

His hair was glossy. His skin was as smooth as porcelain. Even the fingers that touched his glasses were perfect. Byakuya Togami was a hundred percent perfect. Despite losing everything, he was overflowing with elegance.

“Master Byakuya, is everything alright?”

“Nothing’s wrong.” Even his voice was beautiful. “Why was I sleeping naked? Explain.”

“The Church of Bones was under attack. Master Byakuya lost consciousness so I carried him on my back and we fled into an alleyway, which is where we are now. Here you go.”

“What's this?”

“It's a towel.”

“You fool. I can see that by looking at it.”

“The towels and the bread I'm eating were kindly provided by the people of the town.”

“Find them.”

“Do you want to kill them?”

“I’ll give them a castle.” Master Byakuya wrapped a towel around his waist. “Has the attacker been identified?”

"They’re still unknown, but..."

“Don’t hesitate while speaking without my permission.”

“Apparently the attacker has replaced you, Master Byakuya.”

“Replaced? Replaced the one and only Byakuya Togami? You must be joking.” Master Byakuya pushed up the frames of his glasses with his fingers, just as he always does.

Oops, correction. Earlier I got excited and described him as “as if he was just born”, but his glasses were fine. Also, I'm correcting the nickname “walking glasses” because that’s not a compliment at all.

It seems I'm not in good shape either. I need to recover quickly. I have an important job to do. I have to write a biography that will stand shoulder to shoulder with the likes of “Shincho Koki” and “Taikoki.” That is my reason for being.

The title of the biography is “Byakuyako,” it means both “Byakuya’s Journey” and “Journey Under the Midnight Sun.”

And it’s not a ripoff!

“Is it a funny joke or…? Yes, it has to be. It's just a funny joke.” Master Byakuya seems to be inspired by his own words, and nods repeatedly. “I'm sure it will be the biggest battle of my life. This incident will be extremely important in Byakuyako.”

Heh. Hehehe.

He's laughing. As if he's found a game. Like a child who has found a frog that has yet to be caught.

A beautiful scene. A divine sight.

Master Byakuya is a god.

Wanting to record this memory before I forgot it, I took out my favorite fountain pen and a book that I always carry with me.

This is Byakuyako.

As the blue-black ink soaks into the pure white paper, this magnificent record of Master Byakuya nears completion. I set my fountain pen running in a state of bliss.

“Hmmm. It looks like you've already started writing. Well done. Just as I expected from my property. Now that’s my Blue Ink.”

“I am very honored to receive such praise.”

“Try to write a clear sentence that is full of emotion, grandiose but not annoying, and without being sentimental. I will definitely solve this case, that I guarantee…

…by the dignity of the Togami name.”


Borges = View history


Title: “World Domination Declaration”

Good evening.

I have one question for all of you who have no money, no talent, and no time. What are you living for?

I am Byakuya Togami. That's right, the Super High School Level Heir. As the heir to the Togami family, I am the one who is expected to create a bright future. I have an overwhelming presence that is as far apart from you as the moon is to a gibbon.

I have one question for all you frustrated gibbons. What is so fun about life? I have no idea how you can live while knowing that your own value is zero, I’m sure it must be unbearable.

So you bully your classmates. You get jealous of your neighbor’s new car. You crush your talented subordinates. You kill children with promising futures. You get angry at the inequality of talent. And you destroy the world.

Have you ever thrown a tantrum because you couldn't figure out how to play the piano? Have you ever cried on your mother's chest because you couldn't become a member of the soccer team?

You haven't even taken a step from there. You're still a baby. Those long limbs are just for show. You have to grow.

Now let me ask you this. What is essential for one’s growth? An enemy is what. A powerful enemy that must be defeated and dominated.

So then I'll volunteer to become the enemy of the world.

I, Byakuya Togami, am going to become your enemy. Sob with happiness.

Now, onto the main topic. This is my World Domination Declaration. Either kill me within the next 24 hours, or find a "poor cow" somewhere in this world.

To anyone who can achieve even just one of these, I will hand over all of the rights of Byakuya Togami. You can live a life of debauchery. You can buy a nuke. You can create a utopia. You can use that power and wealth however you like.

However, if you fail to achieve either within the next 24 hours, I will truly consider your value to be zero, and I will dominate this world. I will conquer, violate, and crush you.

Now I will prove that I am completely serious. I swear by the dignity of the Togami name.

Well then, farewell.


“It’s the exact same.”

Not even I could distinguish the voice that was being played back.

“It's a beautiful voice, I can't help but fall in love with it,” I say without thinking. Master Byakuya remained completely serious.

“So this is the fake who stole everything from me and took my place. His impression is certainly impressive.”

“It’s not just an impressive impression, it's the same voice.”

“But the actual content of the speech was third-rate. It brings me utter despair to think that something like this could have been broadcast around the world as if it were my words.”

“Really? It felt just like Byakuya Togami.”

“Excuse me?”


"What have you seen of me up until now? I can't have an incompetent fool with such limited observation skills write Byakuyako. You might as well give up the name Blue Ink right now.”

“I’m so sorry.”

It felt like I was being scolded.

“Declaring world domination is something that only people who have already been defeated by the world do. The more frustrated a person is, the more they want to take over the world.”

“Now that I think of it, it does seem like the kind of speech written to incite others.”

“When a scumbag sees someone scummier than himself, he gets incredibly excited.”

“What a horrible thing.”

“I can assume that my fake has a severe inferiority complex. He must have been ignored by the world and lived a hopeless life. That must be why he can make such a declaration only fitting of a loser.”

“You deny others as easily as you breathe. So, Master Byakuya, are you not going to conquer the world?”

“When you eat bread, do you say ‘I'm going to eat bread now’ every time? There's no need to declare something that you can just easily do whenever you want.”

“You’re a straightforward and twisted person, Master Byakuya.”

“Now what did he mean by a ‘pitiful cow?’”

“I don't know. But…”

“Don't hesitate while speaking without my permission.”

“I have an idea.”

“What a coincidence. I have one as well. Could it be he’s referring to ‘that?’”

“If that's the case, how could an impostor of Master Byakuya know about ‘that?’”

“Hmph. There's no need to speculate. We can simply just catch him and ask him directly. Don’t you agree?”

“You’re right.”

“When was this pointless speech broadcasted?”

“About an hour ago at exactly 6 PM. The deadline is tomorrow at 6 PM, so there's not much time…”

“That’s plenty of time.”

“It is?”

“The time difference between Japan and the Czech Republic is minus seven hours. I have plenty of time to expose the impostor, prove my innocence, and enjoy a nice cup of tea when I get back home. And then I'll be going to school on Monday.”

We came to Prague for the weekend. Even though he’s enrolled at the school, Master Byakuya is extremely busy and doesn’t need to attend school regularly. Despite that, he still goes to school every day anyway, saying, “It's only natural that I must not be late or absent. I swear by the dignity of the Togami name.”

“Master Byakuya, even if we can't make it in time on Monday, I'll still write the whole story in Byakuyako. I won't give you any freebies,” I said with the intention of igniting him, but instead he glared at me with irritated eyes.

“Are you mocking me? Do you seriously think I’ll have any trouble with a mere fake?”

“That wasn’t my intention…”

“I'll tell you this while I'm at it. Don’t think that you can be a little cheeky just because you're a bit older.”

A gust of wind. A lukewarm wind blows through the alleyway as I try to fix my messy bangs.

Then I heard a loud roar.

Heaven opened up from above us. The ground shook, causing Prague's famous cobblestones to rise and fall. Black smoke could be seen in the distant sky.

“Hmph. I don't often have a chance to look at my own abilities objectively, but that was enough to make me loathe myself.”

And thus began our hopeless 24 hours.


There was no time to despair. An armored vehicle crashed through the still shaking alley. I stood in front of it, blocking the alley and protecting Master Byakuya, who happened to be sitting comfortably on a wooden box.

I don't know if it was effective, but the armored vehicle came to a halt about five meters in front of me. A hatch on the roof opened and armed soldiers jumped out one after another like a bad clown car. The last one to emerge from the typical green armored vehicle was a girl who was too pretty to be there.

Her skin was so white you could see her veins. Her eyes were full of nobility and nobility. Her golden hair flowed gracefully even in the ominous wind. It was the princess of the Kingdom of Novoselic.

It was Sonia Nevermind, the Super High School Level Princess.

“Halt!” Princess Sonia stood elegantly on top of the armored vehicle and pointed at us. “I found you, Togami. Tying you up will be a piece of cake.”

“Hey, idiot princess. What was that shocking thing?”

“You gave the instructions yourself, and yet you have the nerve to ask. Woah! You look like you came out of the erotic manga, Harenchi Gakuen!” Princess Sonia hastily covered her eyes. “Togami, you may not have noticed, but you're only wearing your underwear.”

“It’s a towel, not underwear, so there's nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“Hiding his crotch with a towel… You truly are a Japanese man. Just like the actor, Ken Takakura. It's raining heavily again today!”

“Answer me now.”

“We have received reports that a satellite owned by the Togami Corporation has crashed on an island somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea.”

“What a pathetic choice of attack and target. If they wanted to target an island, they should have targeted England instead. At least then it would have been a chance to eradicate those jellied eels.”

“Sonia, this is, well, a misunderstanding,” I hastily explained.

“Well, good day to you, Blue Ink,” Princess Sonia smiled and called me by my code name, as usual. “Would you perhaps be an accomplice?”

“Please listen to me.”

“I want to say there's no room to discuss. But since you are a friend of mine, I have no objections. Please speak up.”

“It was a trap.”

“A trap? From who?”

“I still don't know, but Master Byakuya's name and power have all been completely taken away.”

“They must be quite the master thief. Was their jacket a red one or a green one?”

“The World Domination Declaration from earlier was the work of an impostor, and the one here is the real Master Byakuya. I mean, the glasses and towel are a bit of a perverted style, but…”

“Was what you just said right now necessary?”

“I don't want to doubt Blue Ink, but the voiceprint pattern of the ‘World Domination Declaration’ matched Togami himself. Or do you think there are multiple Jason Wishnovs?”

“Foolish princess, you were well prepared to confirm the voiceprint.”

“Well prepared?”

“Why didn't you come to the Church of Bones?”


“Why didn't you attend the meeting for the Council of World Controllers?”

“That’s… That’s…” Princess Sonia, obviously disheveled, nervously ran her hand over the ribbon on her head.

“Since the attack was during a highly confidential meeting, the most likely culprit had to be an insider. In that case, you, the latecomer, are the most suspicious. Now, tell me. Where were you and what were you doing?”

“I-Is this Ace Attorney?”

“At least reference something with the correct publisher.”

“Um, well... Everyone, please defeat Togami!” Princess Sonia ran away.

Multiple guns were pointed at us. Murderous intent quickly filled the air so much that I could choke. This is a special setting for the Super High School Level Secretary and the Super High School Level Heir, but this wasn’t an action-packed story. The moment they pull the trigger, we’ll definitely be shot to pieces. Even if I tried to run away, there were soldiers and armored vehicles in front of us.

Behind us… Behind us…?

With a roaring engine, a black Mercedes Benz approached. The rear door of the Mercedes, which was moving at high speed, opened and a girl jumped out. The girl had distinctive red hair and large breasts.

“Eeeeeeeeeeeeat…” Then, as she lowered her waist, she exclaimed, “...thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis!”

She jumped over Master Byakuya and me and attacked the soldiers. Confused by the sudden attack, the soldiers still aimed to shoot, but the girl landed blows before them, taking them down one by one. Her weapon was an electric guitar. I placed my fingers on my temple out of habit, even though I didn't have time for that.

Borges = Search results


Category: Musical instrument

Title: “Gibson Explorer (Elbow Cut)”

The guitar used by Eric Clapton. The body end of the Explorer released in 1958 was boldly cut, and its innovative look caused a stir. Currently, a limited edition model reproduced in a limited quantity by a custom shop was put on sale. The price is 657,000 yen.

Before we knew it, the Mercedes pulled up alongside us and rolled down their window.

“Hey kids! Wanna ride?”

I don't know why but the guy at the wheel looked like he was having a blast. We had no choice. As we jumped in, the Mercedes accelerated again and the soldiers were forced to move out of the lane. The Mercedes skimmed the side of the armored vehicle and drove through the narrow alley.

Over the sound of gunfire, we could hear Princess Sonia’s voice shouting, “Damn it! You damn bastard!”


“As an otaku, I've been using it for a while because everyone else uses it and there's really nothing else to replace it… but if I were to say it in the style of a Haruki Murakami character, it would be like, ‘yare yare.’ Ah, maybe Jojo would be accurate too.”

The man in the driver's seat kept yapping nonsensically. Meanwhile, the girl in the passenger seat had a face like a Noh mask and didn't respond at all. They both looked to be about the same age as us.

“That feels good. It's standard to drive a Mercedes in Prague. A black Mercedes is bad luck though, haha. The bumpy roads are fun. Ow, I bit my tongue. By the way, how ‘bout a drink? Let’s get to know each other. It ain’t drunk driving ‘til you're twenty.” The man turned around and took out a small bottle.

“Pilsner Urquell?” Master Byakuya reached for the bottle.

“Do you understand? The Fuhrer, who normally hates alcohol, drank it here in Prague. It was on the day he conquered Czechoslovakia . The commemorative beer was Pilsner Urquell.”

“If you think that's funny, I'll kill you.”

“Bah. I've decided to use ass-licking and prostrating diplomacy with any corporation of a higher rank.”

“Corporation?” I couldn't help but interject.

“If I mentioned the Ketoin Corporation... Would anything come to mind?”

“I've never heard of it before.”

“It's fine. From the perspective of the Togami Corporation, my company is no bigger than a bug cage. By the way, you're cute.” The man continues driving, facing away from the road. “I've always had an eye for cute girls. I like sticking bug pins in their arms and necks.”

“Um, drive properly.”

“This is a real collection weapon!”

“I want to die…”

“Miss, seeing how your pupils contract, I can sense the situation ahead. I could see and go all the way to Scandinavia just by staring into your eyes.”

“I have no intention of becoming a fjord lover,” I cut him off. It's been a while since I hated someone so quickly.

“Ketoin Corporation. I've heard it before,” Master Byakuya muttered.

“As expected of li'l boss! Let me carry your bag! Perhaps you’d like me to grab you your sandals and warm up some rice balls?”

“There are groups called ‘underground corporations’ that are different from ordinary ones, and the Ketoin Corporation is the most prominent of them. This is the first time I've met an underground corporation, surprising even for me.”

“Wow... Is my setting that cool? The vibe of an underground corporation is terrible. It's so ticklish that the plot twists can't be resolved. Hey, can you scratch my back?”

“Are you from the Ketoin Corporation?”

“Hey, master boy, how can you even talk that seriously while dressed like an ancient Roman.”

“When this is all over, I will personally drop a satellite on you.”

“I’d be honored. I'm Hiroyuki, the grandson of Hatakiyo Ketoin and the current head of the Ketoin Corporation. And this here is my twin sister.”

“My name is Yuika.” The girl in the passenger seat turned around at the speed of a sloth and greeted me in a voice quieter than the sound of a sparrow's wings. It was scary how beautiful she was, but she was still as expressionless as a Noh mask.

“Sister and brother. Ain't we a nice team?” The man who introduced himself as Hiroyuki was still driving, facing away. “Now that we've finished our introductions, let's get on with the story.”

“What do you mean ‘story?’”

“You did a good job with that World Domination Declaration. Even the final bosses of Dragon Quest aren’t so on the nose when they speak these days.”

“That ‘declaration’ wasn't me.”

“I know.” That reply was unexpected. “You got bamboozled, li'l boss. But y’know, I'm not interested in all that. What interests me is the cow.”

“Y’know what I’m talking about, li'l boss. The 'secret to the prosperity of the Togami clan?’”

In the next moment, The cap of the beer bottle Byakuya held came off and pierced the ceiling of the car.

“Even if I knew… Do you seriously think I would answer?” Byakuya laughed.

“Oh, so you can open the bottle with your fingers, li'l boss? That’ll be super helpful for the surprise party.” Hiroyuki smiled as well. “I doubt you'll answer, If things went that easily, there would be no Psycho or Pop. But, since I got you out of a tight spot, can you at least give me a teeny little hint? Stingy people don't get promoted. If you're that stingy, we can just hand you over to the crowd.”

“Is that all? That's hardly even a threat.”

“I’m not good at playing the villain.”

“How boring. You should follow the example of Goering and Ribbentrop, who knocked out President Hacha without killing him.”

“Nice one, li'l boss. A hilarious joke only found here in the Czech Republic. Even Krtek was surprised.”


“Don't worry about it. It's a commoner thing.”

“You look like you're having fun.”

“You're the one who's in a good mood, aren't you, li'l boss? Come on, enjoy a Pilsner Urquell.”

“No matter what happens, I will never tell you the secret to the Togami clan's prosperity. Cheers in the name of the Togami.” Byakuya raised the small bottle of beer in his hand and poured it over Hiroyuki's head.

Hehe. Hahaha.

A cruel smile. Maybe the cow story had pissed him off a little.

“Consider it a toast.”


Hiroyuki had no way of steering now that he was covered in beer, and the Mercedes swerved violently several times. But suddenly in that moment… A figure appeared in front of the out-of-control Mercedes! The Mercedes lost control and crashed into the figure.

Crash! Crash… The crash… never came.

Like a girl being gently held in someone's arms, or an egg dropped onto a soft futon, there was no shock at all.


“It's not recommended to look away while driving. That car… was nearly smashed to pieces!”

The figure held the Mercedes with one hand. An unexpected presence reflected through the windshield. Only an extraordinary object could catch the car with ease.

“It's not recommended to look away while driving. That car… was nearly smashed to pieces!”

The brown limbs that extended from her sailor uniform were endowed with perfect muscles. Her long white hair swayed with her aura, and her eyes show the composure of an apex predator. She was 192cm tall, her chest circumference was 130cm. She was the strongest member of the homo sapiens. It was Sakura Ogami, the Super High School Level Fighter.

“Hahaha, are you kidding me? I'm stepping on the accelerator, but it ain’t moving at all.” Hiroyuki wiped his beer-stained face. “These days it's common to think it’s a mystery when it’s actually science fiction. But what about this? Isn’t the perspective a bit strange? Isn't the animation just too messed up? Is she in the wrong series?”

“You're the one in the wrong series, you wannabe mogul.”

“Oh really? Guess I’ll just throw up my hands in a pose since people are just gonna catch a car with their bare hands now.”

“Good. Amateurs stay in bed.” Master Byakuya opened the back seat window and called out to his classmate. “Ogami, why are you in Prague right now?”

“I exist everywhere and nowhere all at once.”

“I never expected to hear an observation puzzle pop out of your mouth.”

“It’s shukuchi,” without a second thought, Oogami said something even crazier than the observation puzzle.

Borges = Search results


Category: Martial arts

Title: “Shukuchi”

“Shukuchi” is the martial arts technique of instantly getting within range of your opponent. It’s named after the historical proverb "Shukuchi", which means “shrinking the Earth.” It is said that with the martial arts technique, you can instantly get within range of your opponent. Even if the distance between you and the opponent is approximately 500 km away, it will seem nonexistent.

In other words, Ogami can move anywhere regardless of distance. She can also destroy the timetable trick. I want Kyotaro Nishimura to apologize, his travel mysteries have nothing on this.

“I didn’t ask about your method of transportation, I asked about the reason you're in Prague.” Master Byakuya didn’t seem interested in shukuchi.

“Togami, was your earlier declaration of world domination true?”

“So what if it is?”

“I will capture you here.”

“I appreciate the magnitude of your goal, but it’s simply not possible, Ogami. Get out of the way before you get hurt. The fact that we have slightly similar surnames means you're already in my way.”

“If my words aren’t working, then I guess I have no choice but to use force.”

“Hmph. You have no other weapon than pure force. Has your brain finally turned into muscle? All that protein’s going to destroy you.”

“…I've been wondering for a while, but is there a reason for your inciting words?”

“Consider that a trade secret. Now, Ogami, this is my final question. Who is instigating you to do this?”

“What a stupid question. My heart is with Hope's Peak Academy.”

Hope's Peak Academy, a symbol of hope. It's said that if you graduate from the school, you're guaranteed to succeed in life. It’s a school of talent that brings together the “top talent” from all fields. All of us were students of this bizarre school.

“Since you asked for it, I must stop you by force.” Ogami’s two giant tree-like arms begin to rotate.

“Is this the Tenchi Jouge stance? Master Byakuya leaned back in his seat, as if to show how confident he was. “It’s a deadly stance said to have been invented by Masutatsu Oyama. If you’re fighting me, then I suppose it’s appropriate.”

“Umm, Master Byakuya…”

“Don't panic without my permission. If you’re really Blue Ink, then state your observation immediately.”

“Aren't we going to die?”

“Ogami's goal right now is to capture me. There will be an opening that we can exploit. Hey, wannabe mogul.”

“Wha? Oh. Oops, sorry. I fell asleep.” Hiroyuki looked up. “Is the battle of supers over?”

“We’re at the peak right now.”

“I shouldn’t have asked.”

“I'll reward you with a job. Get out of this predicament.”

“I get a reward?”

“Are you trying to get me captured?”

“Yare yare, now you’re just using me.” Contrary to his reluctant attitude, Hiroyuki quickly shifted gears and stepped on the accelerator.

“You make me laugh.” Ogami catches the car. However, this time she uses both hands, probably due to the way she's positioned.

“No matter what position you're in, it doesn't matter if you don't activate it, go sis!”


Then… the girl in the passenger seat that I had completely forgotten about... Yuika pressed the skull button next to the car navigation system. Such Showa-era style.

The sound of machinery operating could be heard from behind. A silver cylinder that looked like a jet engine appeared at the rear of the car.

“Don't underestimate German cars! Benz cooperated with the Nazis and produced a lot of weapons. Not just cars but also aircraft too.”

Wait, did they make jet engines?

As if to drown out my doubts, a high-frequency engine-like sound roared. Unable to withstand the increasing energy, the car shook and rattled. I could hear the creaking noises from the Mercedes, which was famously sturdy.

“Now then, do you think you can stop this jet engine with your bare hands, Miss Super High School Level?”

The Mercedes took off... no, it fired! But…

“You think you can match me with this amount of horsepower!”

It’s widely known throughout the school that Ogami is frequently called “the ogre.” True to her name, his arms were like those of a beast from a fairy tale, and her muscles bulged abnormally. What a surprise! Not only was Ogami unable to match the jet engine’s strength, she actually began to push the car backwards.

“Sis, initiate the second wave!”


Yuika pressed the skull button again, and a second engine appeared.

“Damn it! If pushing alone isn’t working, push harder! Let's gooooooooooo!”

The moment Hiroyuki stepped on the accelerator, the world reflected in the windshield turned completely white. The outlines of the road, sky, scenery, and Ogami all disappeared due to the tremendous acceleration, and they could no longer be grasped by my human vision.

I had forgotten to fasten my seatbelt. As my body banged against various things in the car, I realized that Master Byakuya and I were now wanted criminals, and I was very happy.


I was planning to explain the difference between Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic, and between Budweiser and Budweiser Budvar, but I no longer had time for that. The atmosphere in Prague had completely changed.

“We will not surrender! We will not surrender! We will not surrender! We will not surrender! We will not surrender! We will not surrender! We will not surrender! We will not surrender! We will not surrender!”

About a hundred citizens gathered and shouted. The flag, which seemed to have been hastily made, had the words “World Domination” written in Czech with a big X on it.

“Is this a protest? It hasn't even been that long since the declaration. Guess the Czech people are sensitive to the smell of war.” Hiroyuki observed the people as he slowly drove his Mercedes.

I was feeling down, remembering the “parades” that were causing a stir across Japan, but I couldn’t help but notice a classmate in the crowd. His distinctive eyes with a white sclera, dyed pink hair, and teeth as sharp as fangs were there.

It was Kazuichi Soda, the Super High School Level Mechanic.

Rather than taking part in the protest, Soda lurked in it, which confused me. Master Byakuya and Princess Sonia had their own reasons for being in Prague, and while Princess Sonia and Soda are classmates, there’s no reason for him to accompany her to Prague.

“The foolish idiot princess stunk enough on her own.” Master Byakuya looked out the window at the small-scale protest.

“Hey, li'l boss, can you try to be a bit more sneaky? It would really suck if they found you.”

“The Togamis don't hide like losers.”

“You're running away with just a towel, yet you're acting all high and mighty. Where did you get all that confidence?”

“I only have one basis for my confidence, and that's being a Togami. There’s nothing more reliable than the Togami name.”

“Heard the Togami clan has a strange inheritance system, huh.”

Dead silence.

“What do you mean by that?”

“A helpless kid worked so hard that he became the heir to the Togami clan. That’s pretty cool.”

“So what’s your point?”

“If he worked that hard to rise to that level, then surely his ultimate goal is to dominate the world, right?”

“Do you still have Pilsner Urquell?”


“I want to smash the bottle right into your foam head.” Byakuya scoffed in disgust. “Don’t lump me in with people who live a life without purpose. Don’t lump me in with the trash who dream of nothing. I’m not in that league.”

“I don’t have a Pilsner Urquell, but how about a satellite phone instead? I can lend you one.”

Prague was isolated. Due to signal interference from the satellite's fall or some other action by the impostor, phones and the internet were useless. Still, if we had a satellite phone, we could communicate with Japan. I never thought the Ketoin Corporation would have one.

Oh, in that case.

“Sorry to interrupt,” I said. “If you don’t mind, could you please lend me some clothes for Master Byakuya?”

“Hey, don’t be so bold,” Master Byakuya scolded. “You’re Blue Ink, you should be writing. Like I said before, don’t think you can be a bit just because you're older than me…”

“I’ll give it to you,” Yuika muttered in a surprisingly small voice. She slowly opened the dashboard and took something out before emotionlessly saying, “Tadaaaa.”

It was a girl’s sailor uniform.

“Is your sister a moron?”

“No fair! I want your sailor uniform too!” Hiroyuki's anger seemed misplaced.

“There’s also this one,” the next thing Yuika pulls out is a black tuxedo, and an air of confusion spreads throughout the car.

But at that moment… A figure appeared in the mirror, it was a girl with an electric guitar on her shoulder. The Mercedes pulls up to the side of the road and there's a knock on the passenger window.

“Yuika, your dog’s back!” The girl stuck her head out of the open window, just like a dog. “Praise me. I danced like a quetzal and stung like a red-circle naginata sawfly!”

“Aren’t those all endangered species?”

“I wasn’t speaking to you.” The girl looked at Hiroyuki with a grim look. “Just letting you know, Sonia Nevermind's army has been defeated.” She then slid her gaze to us in the back seat and smiled. “Good day. I'm glad to hear you're all safe. I'm Taeko Kanai! I'm a cow killer!”


“Have no fear, I'll eradicate the weak!”


“I'll make trash even trashier. Tissue even tissuer. I'm Taeko Kanai, the one who will bring doom to all the weak and hell to all the losers.” The girl who called herself Taeko tried to get into the car through the passenger window, but her breasts got in the way, causing her to make a noise like “Grk.”

“Enough bragging about your boobs,” Hiroyuki shrugged. “We're heading to the hideout now, what are you gonna do, little Taeko?”

“Are you not going to slaughter him?”

“It doesn't matter to me if li'l boss’ impostor shows up or if he takes over the world. I've got the most important person in the Togami clan right here, so I'm not going to take any chances.”

“I see. But it doesn't look like you're going to tell me the ‘secret to the Togami clan's prosperity…’ I mean, Y-y-y-yu…" Taeko suddenly became disheveled. “Yu-yu-yu-yu-yuika, that sailor uniform! This is a serious situation!”

“These are my clothes.”

“What are you planning? Why would you put such a fine item up for sale…? Are you putting it up for sale on eBay? Sailor Uniform all night long?! Uhyu, thank you God! Uhyu, uhyuhyuhyuhyu. Um, if that's the case, I'll buy it. If possible, vacuum pack it as is…”

“He didn’t have any clothes.” Yuika elegantly moved her hand to indicate Master Byakuya, who was wearing only a towel.

“What if I didn’t have any clothes? Then can I have your sailor uniform? Is that the rule? Thank you God! That means I’m eligible too. I just have to take them off, right? Take them off!” Taeko was thrashing about with her upper body still stuck inside the car.

Naturally, it was an eye-catching sight. The protesters noticed something was wrong, it wasn't long before everyone's eyes turned to Master Byakuya in the back seat.

He'd been found, and for possibly the worst possible reason.

“We will not surrender! We will not surrender! We will not surrender! We will not surrender! We will not surrender! We will not surrender! We will not surrender! We will not surrender! We will not surrender!”

Ringing chants, fluttering flags, and eyes everywhere. The voices of the approaching people. Voices. Voices. The protesters closed the distance, surrounding the Mercedes, and then, as if a taut string had snapped, they surged in all at once.

Hiroyuki suddenly sped off, and in the end, Taeko, who had been stuck in the window frame, slipped out. Taeko quickly leaped back up before being charged at the protesters.


The Mercedes would have just plowed through the historic city, but other cars and the more protesters blocked his way.

I tried to start Borges, but then I remembered that the connection was down. I can't determine the enemy's location. Since I rely so heavily on Borges, it feels like I’m being handicapped.

The Mercedes skillfully avoided the obstacles in the way and dodged past the protesters, but the complex roads made it difficult to speed up. It’s a town lined with cute stone houses. If you think about it, the image of Prague in my head is only what’s been created recently. It was a town with a long history as a walled city, a battle to prevent invaders.

There was a baby flying in the sky of Prague. A pitch black baby was flying, almost crawling through the air.

…You probably won't understand what I'm saying, but if I were to describe what I saw with my own eyes, it would be something like this. The flying baby had cracks running through it where the eyes and mouth should be, which was very eerie, and it was very weird.

Whenever I'm faced with something weird, I always turn to Borges. I'll just do a search using local data for now.

Borges = Search results


Category: Art

Title: “The TV Tower Babies (nickname)”

The 216 meter long TV tower that stands in the Žižkov district of Prague 3 was built during the communist era. After the change of government, the tower was renovated to change its image, and giant babies resembling the search target were attached to the outside of the tower.

Additionally, the TV tower was ranked fourth in the "Ugliest Buildings in the World" list by the American television station CNN.

Armed with this knowledge and after regaining my composure, a theory popped into my head. If it was the work of Soda, the Super High School Level Mechanic, perhaps it would be possible to make the baby from the tower fly.

But why? Princess Sonia? Soda? What are everyone doing? Have they betrayed the school? Why didn't they say anything? Was it because they were planning to kill me?

The flying baby spun in the sky and plummeted down on Mercedes. Then its face split in two, and something long and thin emerged from inside.

“It’s a machine gun!” Hiroyuki shouted.

A machine gun?! I started to feel nauseous at the thought of such aggressive and murderous intent.

Ratatatatatatata. The bullets fired with a surprisingly light sound.

“What the hell, man?!” Hiroyuki leaned the car over and made an immediate U-turn. My stomach shook and the nausea intensified.

The Mercedes ignored the traffic lights and turned the corner into downtown, where the citizens of Prague were living their normal lives.

Slow shopping, relaxed dates, old men heading out to get a drink, couples walking hand in hand, mothers pushing strollers, citizens busy protesting…

The Mercedes speeding through the downtown area was an object of ire. It attracted the glare of many. That was, until the flying baby arrived. The citizens stared at it with a look between bewilderment and a wry smile as they watched their town’s famous landmark soar through the sky. With no sign of concern for the citizens, the flying baby fired another blast at the Mercedes. Ratatatatatata.

“Stop!” I cried out.

I didn’t think it would turn out like this. I had assumed without any real basis that they won't get innocent people involved and there must be some bare minimum rules. But that couldn't be the case. The world is full of murderous intent, the price of life is surprisingly low and the bodies quickly begin to pile up.

Every time the Mercedes dodged the bullets raining down, more blood rained down as well.

There was a bloody baby who would be in its stroller forever, children in shorts with more than half their faces missing, A dead student with a pizza in his mouth stained red, though it's unclear whether it’s blood or the sauce from the pizza…

Bit by bit, the everyday scene of Prague began to look more unusual than usual. The flying baby got closer and closer, all while creating more corpses. I can see the scene clearly through the mirror.

“Wannabe mogul,” Master Byakuya spoke up, “what happened to the jet engine?”

“Y’see, you can only use that once.”

“Don’t just show your trump card first. If you’re going to do that, then at least have another card deeper somewhere.”

“Sorry, sorry. Jeez. Are you trying to pincer me?”

An armored vehicle was approaching from ahead. It was moving at a speed that could kill passersby… no, it actually dragged several people down with it. I couldn’t help but feel that this was the start of many more deaths in this world.

“Wannabe mogul, is there anything we can do?”

“Well we already used our trump card. How about we just sneak past the side of the armored vehicle?”

“Of course. That's the third-rate kind of thinking I’d expect from a wannabe mogul. Get in the side street over there.”


“Because I don’t care if the wannabe mogul gets into trouble.”

“Good grief! This whole time you’ve been calling me a wannabe mogul! A wannabe mogul is still a mogul, y’know!” Hiroyuki complained, but he still turned into the side road.

Every time we came to a fork in the road, Master Byakuya gave more instructions, and before we knew it, we had escaped pursuit. There was no sign of the dreaded flying baby or the merciless armored vehicle anymore.

“How?” I muttered unconsciously.

“It's because I led the way, obviously.” As Master Byakuya spoke, I noticed his glasses had disappeared from his face.

“Um, Master Byakuya… where are your glasses?”

“You mean the pair of glasses with a transmitter attached? I threw them away.”


“Hand me a replacement.”

“R-right away,” I quickly took out a replacement pair of glasses.

“Hmph. They're probably attacking the glasses right now.”

“A transmitter…”

“Think about it. Why would the people who stole my shoes and underwear leave my glasses alone? It was probably for insurance. They thought about what would happen if I had escaped.”

“Permission to ask something?”

“Permission granted.”

“Why did Byakuya leave the transmitter there even though he knew about it?”

“If I wore the transmitter, the enemy would definitely show themself before me. Assuming I got the chance, I could hit them and get information out of them. I'm not just interested in playing defense.”

But the soft part inside me protests. If he had just thrown away those damn glasses, wouldn't those people in the town have lived? Of course, hindsight is 20/20. It's just a hypothetical after it’s already happened, like saying “I should have done this then” or “There was no need to do that.”

Besides, we who experienced the Greatest and Most Horrifying Incident of the Togami Clan know that in order to live and get to the top, it is necessary to build a mountain of corpses. We will do what we must. If we are trapped in a cage with a spoon, we will use it to dig a hole. Even if we’re held at gunpoint, we will keep smiling until the moment the bullet shatters my brain.

This is just the way of life for me and Master Byakuya.


A “midnight sun” in a nightless summer. It was past 8:30 PM and it was only now starting to get a little dark, but the darkness was still far away.


Even as we entered the town close to the German border, the sky was still bright, and I was almost losing track of time due to fatigue and a slight drowsiness caused by jet lag. In Plzen, there was a Skoda factory, a general machinery group that is not very well known in Japan.

“Even wannabe moguls have their partners, you know,” Hiroyuki drove into the Skoda Auto factory as an underground passage appeared. I remembered that the largest underground passage in Europe stretches under the town of Plzen.

After exiting the car and walking through the long underground passage, we arrived at a space the size of a gymnasium. A Nightless Summer


Even as we entered the town close to the German border, the sky was still bright, and I was almost losing track of time due to fatigue and a slight drowsiness caused by jet lag. In Plzen, there was a Skoda factory, a general machinery group that is not very well known in Japan

“Even wannabe moguls have their partners, you know,” Hiroyuki drove into the Skoda Auto factory as an underground passage appeared. I remembered that the largest underground passage in Europe stretches under the town of Plzen.

In Plzen, there was a factory owned by Skoda, a general machinery group that is not very well known in Japan.

After getting out of the car and walking through the long underground passage, we arrived at a space the size of a gymnasium. Fluorescent lights hung from the exposed ceiling, and in one corner there was a bedroom separated by a screen from a desk, and a simple shower.

“So this is my hideout,” Hiroyuki’s voice echoed. “When the Skoda Works fell apart, a part of it got in touch with the Ketoin Corporation, and we've been pals ever since. We got this hideout, and we even got a share of an old tank. What was it called again? It was one that the German army confiscated and used a lot.”

“LT-35,” I replied. “In the German military, it’s called the LTz(t)35.”

“Woah missy, didn’t take you for a military nerd. You the type to go crazy when someone shows you their silly military knowledge?”

“The source of my knowledge isn’t from my head, it’s from here.” I flicked the surface of my right eye with my fingernail. “It’s a prosthetic eye.”

“My, well what a beautiful eye you have.”

“Which one?”

“Both. I’m a little curious to know if the Togami corporation developed it.”

“The Information Search Library… I call it Borges, and it’s basically an encyclopedia that's updated in real time. It has dictionaries, news, topics, and maps.”

“No offense, but can’t you just search that stuff on your phone now? Also I thought it was called ‘the Library of Babel.’”

“The data is displayed directly to the eye, so it works perfectly as augmented reality, it also acts as a universal pair of goggles. Anyways, it’s called Borges because in the story, he began to live in pitch darkness due to losing his eyesight while he was a resident of the library.”

“Wow, now that's a real first-rate artistic naming sense full of wit!” Hiroyuki shouted, might as well look him up while we’re at it. Beep beep boop bop. (Note: no sound is actually made.)

Borges = Search results


Category: Corporation

Title: “Ketoin Corporation”

A corporation founded by the first Saimon Ketoin and completed by the second Saimon. It is not considered one of the general eight major corporations, but rather it’s the top of the other underground corporations similar to it, like Irikiin, Daiguuji, Sakura, and Ozawa, but the exact details are unknown. This is all the information I could obtain offline, there was more information about the Skoda tank.

Hiroyuki, the heir to such a minor corporation, was carrying cigarettes and beer without even realizing it.

“Drinking and smoking by minors is prohibited by law, you know.” I figured I’d just warn him anyway.

“When it’s made into an anime, they’ll just change the cigarettes to Chupa Chups, so it’s fine,” Hiroyuki exhaled a smoke. “I can put up with original characters being made, and I won’t get even upset if they cram too much into one season.”

“What are you talking about?”

“These days, it seems like there are more restrictions on games than there are on manga and anime. Those people at the CERO can’t even take a joke. The hell are they thinking, putting 18+ ratings on home video games?”

“Do you need me to search it up?”

“Is it really okay to use your Borges like you’re grabbing a midnight snack, like surfing the net and stuff… Ah!”


“You don't happen to spend every night on Borges, looking up dirty words, do you? Like clitoris!”


“Or maybe like Bartholin's gland!”

“I wish you'd die…”

“By the way, which one excites you more, the word ‘lewd’ or the word ‘ecchi?’”

“I'll search for ways to shut you up."

“Impossible! Whether it be CERO or NEVA or even the ESRB, no one can censor what I say or do! There are a lot of people who think it’s taboo just by expressing the littlest bit of child abuse, neglect, or sexual abuse, but we’ve been doing this whole thing for over ten years…”

“Hey, wannabe mogul, hurry up and get the satellite phone ready.” Master Byakuya had taken up his desk before I knew it, and was dressed in a black tuxedo. He looked charming with a rose pinned on his chest. The way he sat on his chair with his legs crossed and his glasses pushed up was also very charming.

Yuika was asleep in the bed next to the desk, wearing a nightcap. It seemed like the girl was taking a break. Isn't this just a bit too boring?

Hiroyuki set up the laptop-style satellite phone and said, “Do whatever you want,” before disappearing into the shower room, filling the room with the sound of running water. He was covered in beer after all.

It was just the two of us.

Feeling a bit awkward, I tried to call the Togami family, but a stern voice stopped me, saying, “Wait.”

“Master Byakuya… do you think that the impostor has already infiltrated the Togami family?”

“I doubt it, that impostor is a first-rate “long lost son” scam. But we need to be careful.”

“What about Pennyworth? He wouldn't mistake an impostor for Master Byakuya.”

“If I were my enemy, I would target him first.”

Borges = Search results


Category: Important people

Title: “Aloysius Pennyworth (Information Disclosure Lv.2)”

A butler who once served the Togami family. A survivor of the Greatest and Most Horrifying Incident of the Togami Clan. He was one of the few people that Byakuya Togami could open up to, and in that sense he was indispensable to the Togami family, but he has now retired from the front lines and runs a members-only butler bar.

In a way, Pennyworth was Master Byakuya's Achilles heel. If the fake had gotten the first move, he would have let the others know how weak he was, saying "I'm so lonely, wahahahaha," and since Pennyworth has left the Togami family, we can't expect him to be able to assist us.

If manga and TV dramas taught us anything, it was where to turn for help when we can't rely on home. Our friends.

I called up the address from Borges and contacted Byakuya's classmates... the 78th class via satellite phone.


There was no audio or reaction to be seen or heard. The time difference is seven hours in Japan, so it's 3:30 AM there. There's no way that adolescent high school students wouldn’t be sleeping early on a midsummer Saturday morning. Of course no one answered the phone.

Does this mean Master Byakuya’s class hates him?

Sure he certainly has a few flaws, and maybe he seems to have taken on all the bad aspects of a generic rich character, but I was sure he must at least have a few friends. This must be what a mother who just found out for the first time at a parent-teacher conference that her child was unpopular thinks. The future of the Togami clan is bleak…

I called one person after another, but there was still no response. Names kept getting dropped one by one. The next row was the “N” section.




This one! Naegi!

“That's enough,” Master Byakuya interrupted, probably a little hurt. “Call Hope’s Peak Academy.”

TThat was a good idea. I connected the satellite phone to Hope's Peak Academy's hotline.

“Hello? Is anyone there? Please answer! Hey, is someone there?”

“I'm… trying to…” a woman’s voice said. “What if… what if… that’s too much trouble…”

“Hello? Is someone on the phone?”

The screen was covered in static, it looked like a blizzard.

“Tch. Cheap, third-rate garbage. As expected from a wannabe mogul.” Master Byakuya clicked his tongue.

Suddenly, Yuika, who was in bed, sat up like Linda Blair from The Exorcist. She wore a nightcap with a little pompom on top and eyes that look as if they are about to close. Her small nose twitches as she gives a refined “choo” sneeze, before falling back asleep.

Now that I’m paying attention, I noticed that the satellite phone is ringing clearly. Um, what’s that?

“Heyyy, yahalloooo!” I hear the other person’s voice. “Heyyy, can you hear me? If you can, answer already! Say yes or no, okay?”

“Yes, I can hear you. This is Hope's Peak Academy, right? Where are the teachers? Is everyone okay?”

“Ugh, stop asking so many questions! I'm really shy, y’know!”

A girl was on the screen of the satellite phone. Her brightly colored hair was tied on both sides, and her red painted nails stood out. Her chest was wide open, and an indescribable suction force was emanating from it. Attention is given to the eyes, mouth, nose, ears and even to every eyelash.

An entity appeared on the screen as if its sole desire was to be showy and captivating, its sole goal, and I was left dizzy. She was the girl from fashion magazines, the goal of many young girls’ hopes and dreams.


When the reason for being scouted is “she pulls off the gyaru style really well,” some are bound to question Hope’s Peak Academy’s decision. It’s easy to misunderstand what Hope's Peak Academy wants when they say “top-notch talent.”

To put it in simple terms, all Hope’s Peak Academy is looking for is a special talent. It didn't matter if they were a Super High School Level Gyaru or a Super High School Level Shut-in, all that matters is that they have a unique quirk that sets them apart. (Though the shut-in would probably be expelled the moment they arrived at school.

“Oh, it's senpaiiiii!” It seems Enoshima could see us, too. "Heyy! Could you get me some pocky?”


“I’m sooo glad I was able to get in touch with you. I feel so relieved and safe! Senpai, listen to me. It’s reeeeally bad here. Get over here and help me!”

“Enoshima, I’ll forgive you for talking to your senior in a casual manner, but please listen to me. I'm in the Czech Republic right now.”

“Hey, do they sell Pocky in the Czech Republic?”

“Do they?”

“The Czech Republic’s in Europe, right?”


“What’s the capital of Europe again?”

“If I had to guess, I'd say it's Bali. Well, that’s why I can’t help you. Is there a teacher out there? I can't get in touch with anyone, are they okay? Why are you at school at a time like this?”

“Woah woah woah! That’s a lot of questions, senpai.”

“It’s only three questions.”

“Only three? Is that all it is to you, senpai?”

“I'm in a pinch here.”

“Weeeellll, I haven’t seen any teachers. Maybe the reason the phone wasn’t working was because of radio waves or something. And we’re here because it’s safe. Wow, I answered all three questions! Hurray for the cute and smart Junko-chan!”

“‘We?’ Is there someone else besides Enoshima? I'm with Master Byakuya now…”

“B-b-b-b-b–b-b–b-b–b-b-b–b-b–b-b–b-bya-bya-Master Byakuya??” Just when I thought Enoshima had been blown away, a gloomy face filled the screen. They had round glasses that look like they'd be worn by Kenzaburo Oe or John Lennon. Their skin was clearly an unhealthy color and they had long, snake-like braids.

It was none other than Toko Fukawa, the Super High School Level Literary Girl.

“H-h-hold a second, w-why are y-you here…?” Her voice seemed to condense all the gloom in the world. “Y-you're not p-planning on having a r-rendezvous with Master Byakuya, are you? I-I can't forgive you... I can't forgive you getting excited between your c-calmness and your p-p-passion!”

“Fukawa, please calm down. I'll forgive you for talking to your senior in a casual manner, so calm down.”

“You homewrecker! Y-you succubus! You p-perverted student! Begone evil spirits!”

“I was just accompanying him to write Byakuyako…”

“W-w-what the hell do you mean B-byakuyako? L-like meaning “Journey Under the Midnight Sun?” Kodansha should sue you already!”

“I didn't copy it! And Journey Under the Midnight Sun is published by Shueisha!”

“S-so you really d-did copy it!”

“Um, please say something, Master Byakuya…”


He's not there. When I looked, I saw that Master Byakuya had moved to the edge of the hideout with his chair.

“Fufufufufufufu. No matter how far away we are, it’s pointless, Master Byakuya,” Fukawa's smile fills the screen. “I’m normally extremely nearsighted, but when I search for Master Byakuya, my eyesight becomes 18/2!”

That surpasses even that of the Maasai people.

“Huh?” Fukawa's snake-like eyes widened. "B-b-b-b-b–b-bya-bya-Master Byakuya! W-what's with that outfit? A tuxedo… D-d-don’t tell me you're doing a r-rehearsal for your w-wedding with me? I-is that why you went to Prague? Um, Master Byakuya, how about we also have a rehearsal for the c-consummation? I-I’m at my best for conceiving today…”

“I have two orders for you, Fukawa,” Master Byakuya called from far away. “First, never speak to me about your ovulation. Second, if you are the Super High School Level Literary Girl then explain the situation in 200 characters or less.

“1 AM in Japan. Riots broke out after the declaration in Prague. Suspicious, I ran to Hope’s Peak and met Enoshima, but no one else. With phone lines down due to traffic, I used the satellite phone.”

“What riots are you talking about?”

“I-I would have liked to have explained that point clearly, i-if possible, so that Master Byakuya would have b-been pleasured.”

“Don’t mistake ‘pleased’ for ‘pleasured.’”

“I wish I could make you happy, but I i-immediately fled to the academy, so I don't know… I-I'm so sorry! I'm r-ready to be tied to a toilet or a spanish donkey at any time!”

“Are the people the ones causing the riot?”

“Well, I-I'm not sure about that either, but…

…I did hear some of the people talking about ‘locked rooms.’”

Locked rooms? What are they talking about?

“Out of the way, you stinky fujoshi!” Enoshima kicked Fukawa away and returned to the screen. “Sorry to keep you waaaaaiting! Let the viewers know that pretty Junko-chan is back to relieve their excitement☆!”

“O-ow, hey! W-what are you doing?! That hurt…”

“I’m supposed to say that. Your hair’s all messed up. Unlike your cheap braids, my hair’s super well-kept!”

“Y-you g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-gyaru girls are so noisy… Y-your hair looks soft like a spring cloud!”

“Hehe, Thanks for the compliment, Fukawa!”

“I-I-I'm not c-complimenting you!”

“Yeah yeah. I guess your literary talent just happened to slip out then, huh?”

“C-compliments from you aren’t going to make me happy!”

Ah, I’m relieved to see that they seem to get along.

“Is this charade over yet?” Master Byakuya interjects. “Enoshima, there's something I want to ask you.”

“Ah~? Sorry! The secret to my makeup is top secret!”

“Where’s your pathetic sister?”

“Don’t call my sister pathetic! Sure it’s true that she’s pathetic, but it would be cruel to call her pathetic just because she’s pathetic.”

“You’re the one who keeps saying it.”

“Oh? I have an idea, maybe I just haven’t seen her. I don’t really pay much attention because she’s always so unnoticeable, eugh... but... Ah. Ah! I remember! A note!”

“A note?”

“It was on the table. It read, ‘I want to protect this planet.’ Eighth-grader syndrome, am I right?”

“Did she disguise herself as a militiaman again and go to end some conflict somewhere?”

“Because she loooooves protecting planets and chastity. So, Togami, you're worried about us? Did you think about having your sister escort you?”

“Hmph. Say what you want.”

By the way, Enoshima’s sister is Mukuro Ikusaba. She’s the Super Pathetic Level, wait no, I mean she’s the Super High School Level Soldier.

“Well, I heard all about your World Domination Declaration.” Enoshima said with a grin. “The Togami do some really cool stuff. I bet the teachers are suuuper excited about it! Junko is shocked to find such a bad boy hiding among the damn serious 78th Cadet Corps! It’s like he just revealed his true self!”

“Enoshima, are you planning on helping me with my plan?”

“Yep! What do you need my services for?”

“Wait inside of the school until the situation is safe.”

“Whaaat? But waiting is so boooooring… I have no interest in waiting for a whole waiting list.”

“I’m not telling you to sit on your ass. There are two things I need you to do at school.”

“Just two things? I suppose my gyaru brain can handle that.”

“You have a pathetic brain. I should introduce you to a doctor.”

“I already have a buddy who's a neurologist. So, what do I do?”

“First thing, if you find a teacher, tell them I’m innocent.”

“That's surprisingly simple…”

“Second thing, investigate the school.”

“Huh? Why?” Enoshima tilts her head.

I suppose I have no choice but to explain the situation. “You see, Enoshima, I can’t say for sure yet, but there’s a possibility that my year is involved in this incident.”

“Seriously like Majisuka Gakuen?! Hmm, then why doesn't Senpai know? Were you left out?”

“Because before all, I'm Master Byakuya's property.”

“Ah, I see how it is~. That’s kinda lewd. A statement that makes you really feel the sexiness of an older woman…” As Enoshima squirmed, I could hear Fukawa's insults from afar.

“A-anyways, they might be involved,” I said quickly. “Proof of that is that Sonia and Soda are here in Prague.”

“Seriously like Majisuka Gakuen 2?! Oh well, didn’t know either of them anyways.”

“Both of them killed someone.”

“Hold on a sec… killed? That’s really terrifying.” Even through the heavy makeup, you could see how pale she was.

But that’s the truth. To borrow Enoshima's words, it’s really terrifying.

This is probably the biggest scandal Hope’s Peak Academy has ever faced, even worse than the “parades” that were making the world go crazy, and Master Byakuya has somehow ended up getting caught up in the middle of it.

“Okay. I gotcha,” Enoshima nodded after a moment. “I’ll do everything I can. So, what are you guys going to do?”


“I’ll take up the challenge. That’s all.” Master Byakuya said. “I’ll defeat my impostor, return to Japan by Monday, and go to school as usual. All in the name of the Togami.”

“Wow! That’s awesome!” Enoshima clapped.

I was completely moved by Master Byakuya's declaration, and felt grateful to my fate that led me to write Byakuyako.

That's right, there’s no way we can lose. Absolutely not. In principle. He won then, he’ll win this time, and he will always win and win and win because Master Byakuya is a god.

I noticed that the ceiling of the hideout was shaking slightly. Now that I think about it, above here is the Skoda Auto factory. I wonder if they’re still running the production lines on Saturdays. They're very diligent even despite the declaration.

Skoda? That reminds me. Many Czech surnames have specific meanings, like how “Mitarai” in Japan means “a place for a purification.” Or for example, Smetana, famous for being the composer of “Die Moldau,” has a name that, although it sounds like a joke, means “sour cream.” Skoda is a fairly popular surname in the Czech Republic, so of course it also has a meaning too.

It means “pathetic.”