Chapter 3 out now!

"The story is a simple one. A young man went on a mission to dominate the world. After a series of extraordinary adventures and great risks, the young man gets what he wants and returns home safe and sound. The real question is what led him there."

Danganronpa Togami is an official spinoff of the Danganronpa series written by Yuya Sato, featuring characters and elements from the Kagami Family Saga series. It follows Blue Ink as she tries to help Byakuya reclaim his identity while writing his biography, "Byakuyako." For the longest time, the novel trilogy was not fully translated. This project aims to fix that.

If you would like to assist in the translation in any way, please contact me on Twitter or Discord, my DMs are always open and I'm happy to receive help!


Progress: 20%

It may not seem like much right now, but it will be finished! I swear by the dignity of the Togami name!